4 Reasons Why Milford, Ohio Homeowners Should Get a Fall Tune-up in September

Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Warranty, Weather, Winter

Prioritizing your furnace maintenance service in September is a prudent step for a myriad of reasons; these are the current weather, strategic timing, the upcoming winter season, and, above all, your safety. Our dedicated team at Milford Heating & Cooling is committed to ensuring you are thoroughly ready to face the fall and, more importantly, the challenging winter season.  

Overlooking the importance of a safety and tune-up check may leave potential issues with your furnace unattended during those critical moments when you need it the most. So, let’s discuss the four compelling reasons why we believe a September furnace tune-up stands out as an exceptional idea! 

September Is a Great Time to Schedule Your Fall Tune-up Due to the Weather 

You might be asking – “Why September?” A closer look reveals the practicality of scheduling your furnace tune-up this month. As per the industry norms, we typically advise getting your furnace inspected and tuned up prior to its initial seasonal usage, which, for most users, translates to the end of summer or the start of fall. Keep in mind, this year, in 2024, the official advent of fall is on September 22nd! 

It’s also good to note that when you get your furnace serviced, it will need to be temporarily turned off to facilitate a safe and thorough inspection by our technicians. Hence, booking this HVAC service this month is ideal, given the weather conditions. 

September Is a Great Time to Schedule Your Fall Tune-up Due to It Not Being Busy 

Throughout the year, the HVAC industry experiences high demand for repairs, replacements, and upgrades. However, with the fall season lowering the need for air conditioning, September is not as hectic, making it all the more convenient for you. This means you’re more likely to secure an appointment faster and at the desired time, making it more convenient for you. So, don’t wait for the last-minute frenzy; schedule your tune-up and safety check now! 

September Is a Great Time to Schedule Your Fall Tune-up Due to Winter Coming 

Seasons follow a predictable cycle. Think about it. What better time to prepare for the inevitable winter season than now? We always recommend booking your annual furnace tune-up and safety check early during the fall, if possible. This foresight prepares your heating unit for Ohio’s harsh winter weather that’s just around the bend! Because, of course, the last thing you need is for your furnace to break down in the dead of winter, especially if it could have been avoided by scheduling a fall tune-up and having had a problem anticipated well beforehand. 

September Is a Great Time to Schedule Your Fall Tune-up Due to the Safety Aspect 

Did you know winter often sees a rise in carbon monoxide poisoning cases? This is due to the increased usage of furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines. The National Safety Council strongly recommends having your furnace, water heater, and other coal-burning appliances serviced annually by a licensed technician. Neglecting this critical task could put you, your loved ones, and your home at risk. Therefore, regular annual furnace checkups not only optimize your furnace for the coldest months but also enable your technician to identify and rectify potential issues in advance. 

In conclusion, we strongly advocate for the proactive step of scheduling your HVAC system’s fall tune-up in September when you are able to do so. However, we understand life’ sometimes gets in the way and it can lead to delays. Don’t panic if September gets away from you; you still have the option of scheduling your furnace tune-up in October or early November. 

Lastly, remember that regular yearly furnace maintenance checks also help maintain the validity of your manufacturer’s warranty. If that’s not a compelling bonus reason to get your tune-up scheduled, we don’t know what is! 

Call Milford Heating & Cooling today at (513) 655-5112, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here

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