Heat Pump Maintenance Services in Milford, OH

Because they’re used in both summertime and wintertime, heat pumps begin to deteriorate over time so it’s important for homeowners to keep up on them, be proactive and have an HVAC technician perform maintenance at least once each year. Overall, preventative maintenance helps limit wear and tear on the heat pump and lengthen the lifespan of the unit. 

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3 Benefits of Heat Pump Maintenance

Milford HVAC - 4 Benefits of Heat Pump Maintenance
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1. Longer Equipment Lifespan

Heat pumps that get proper maintenance last longer than units that are not maintained. Wear and tear often occur as it works constantly throughout the long cold months. Leaving issues unaddressed reduces your HVAC unit’s service life — and even puts your comfort and safety at risk. Regular maintenance is designed to monitor and fix all your unit’s vital parts, preventing the possibility of expensive repairs and early replacement.

Milford HVAC - 3 Benefits of Heat Pump Maintenance

2. Lowers Chances of a Breakdown

An unexpected system breakdown is the last thing you want to experience when winter is in full swing here in Southwest Ohio. Regular maintenance helps reduce the risk of an emergency breakdown. This goes for any and all HVAC equipment. We perform an inspection, perform heat pump repair work. We adjust vital components in the unit, including blower motors, electrical connections, safety panels, and more.
Milford HVAC - 3 Benefits of Heat Pump Maintenance

3. Improved Heating & Cooling Efficiency

Your heat pump can become less efficient and more expensive to run when it’s in bad shape. It might require extra effort just to meet the comfort requirement of your home. Signing up for a high-quality maintenance service with Milford Heating & Cooling solves problems ahead of time. Routine maintenance ensures the high-efficient performance of your heat pump and keeps your monthly utility bills by up to 25% lower.
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Stay On Top of Your Heat Pump
Maintenance in Cincinnati, Ohio

Without regular seasonal maintenance, your heat pump could end up consuming up to 25% more energy compared to a heat pump that’s properly cared for. To make matters worse, however, neglecting maintenance makes your heat pump more likely to develop problems that affect performance during the heating season and/or cooling season.

Our NATE-certified heat pump technicians at Milford Heating & Cooling inspect, clean and give your heat pump the care it needs to make it last as long as possible. Make sure you call the pros that care at Milford Heating & Cooling to service your heat pump this season!

Common Heat Pump Maintenance Questions & Answers

Do heat pumps need annual maintenance?

Absolutely. Heat pumps need to be serviced at least one time each year. With seasonal maintenance from an expert, the heat pump will last a lot longer, perform far better and cost less to use in addition to preventing expensive repair bills or emergency repairs. Service should be performed by a professional. This allows us to identify small problems and correct them before they become major mechanical breakdowns.

What sort of maintenance should I perform on my heat pump?

Heat pump owners should clean or change their unit’s air filters regularly. Changing a heat pumps air filter is a simple process that takes little time and almost all heat pump owners can do it on their own. Heat pump owners are recommended to clean or replace their heat pump’s air filters once a month, or as frequently as needed. A heat pump’s air filter will collect a lot of dirt, dust and other impurities, so this is an essential step to remember to do.

How much does heat pump maintenance cost?

The price tag on a maintenance visit for heat pumps vary from company to company and from heat pump to heat pump, depending on the type of model, its age and other details. This cost is usually between $50 and $180, with an additional hourly rate ranging between $80 and $160 for further labor. Preventative maintenance service should be conducted at least once a year, with an average cost of $80 to $130 per unit, and an additional $25 for parts. Milford Heating & Cooling offers specials for this service at discounted rates with online deals. We also offer Scheduled Maintenance Agreements to lower the cost even more.

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